I'm so happy you're here. Please stay a while and explore the wonders of growing plants in your very own garden.

About TessaGrows
My mother, a 1st generation South African, was a passionate gardener. I followed her around her ornamental garden as she explored and pruned. It was there that I learned to save seeds. When I qualified as an elementary school teacher, I began experimenting with my first vegetable garden as a way to teach math to my students. The joyful experience of eating the things we grew, set me off on my life’s path to become a gardening educator.
TessaGrows is a reflection of my deepest passion in life – gardening. Collecting seeds and witnessing the miracle of germination as seedlings bravely sprout, truly fills my soul. Tending, harvesting and feasting are for me the ultimate thrill. And, I genuinely love composting and understanding the role insects play in the magical process of growth.
It’s truly a privilege to be able to share the hard-earned nuggets I have learnt from master teachers along my journey. And it’s beyond exciting to witness the joy of students tasting the fruits of their labor while gaining respect for their environment and exploring ideas for sustainable living.
Let's grow!