Bush Bean, Chard, Nasturtium, Yellow Cosmos
Bush Bean
Planting season: Spring through early summer
Germination time: 7-10 days
Days to harvest: 48-54
Height: 16-20 inches
Sun/shade: Sun
Tips: Pick beans regularly to keep the plant producing more. (If pods get fat with seed, the plant will stop flowering). The smaller the bean, the more tender they are.
Flower Fun: “Knock Knock!" “Who's there?” “Bean.” “Bean who?” “Bean awhile since I last saw ya!”
Planting Season: Spring to early summer, fall
Germination Time: 7-10 days
Days to Harvest: 40-60
Height: 12-28 inches
Sun/shade: Full sun
Tips: Chard is a nutritional powerhouse vegetable packed with vitamins, nutrients and health benefits.
Flower Fun: Chard leaves are great in smoothies as they have a mild flavour.
Nasturtium (dwarf)
Planting Season: Spring to early summer
Germination Time: 9-12 days
Days to Harvest: 35-52
Sprawl: 1-2 feet
Sun/shade: Sun or partial shade
Tips: Nasturtiums are fairly easy to care for, however it is important to keep them watered during dry periods.
Flower Fun: The flowers can be used in salads as a colorful, tasty addition. The berries can be made into capers.
Yellow Cosmos
Planting Season: Spring to early summer, 1-2 weeks after the last frost
Germination Time: 5-10 days
Days to Harvest: ~ 49
Height: 36 inches
Sun/shade: Full sun
Tips: To keep the plant flowering, deadhead (remove the dead/faded flowers).
Flower Fun: The open flowers provide easy access to nectar and pollen, attracting bees, butterflies and other beneficials that help with pollination and pest management.